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If you’re still reading this, chances are that you’re already part of the The Cause.

You may know — especially if you’ve read Joseph Ellis’ book — that “The Cause” is what the first American revolutionaries called their shared effort. In my mind, The Cause continued through the expansion of the vote, the end of enslavement, and never-ending fight to defend civil rights for all.

A simple belief

The newsletter operates from a simple belief.

Every virtuous fight — including the fights for abortion rights, health care, voting rights, child care, environmental justice, fully funded public schools and LGBTQ rights — is part of the same fight.

That fight is The Cause.

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Join, or die.


Jason Sattler is LOLGOP on Twitter and pretty much any other social media platform you get sucked into. His writing has appeared in USA TODAY,, the New York Daily News and Alternet.